For all of those kids out there, you all have experienced Online School, right?
Ever since Covid-19 started, I had to do online school! Well, ok, maybe not since Covid-19 existed, but STILL!!!
Anyway, at first, I was SUPER excited. You wanna know why? I didn't like school. Yup.
So, when I first had online school, I was really happy and relaxed. The exact opposite of me now. So, things went on smoothly. The only thing I hated doing online were exams.
But, after about 4 months, I started to get restless, and surprisingly, I started to wish that I could go back to school again. Can you imagine? Of course, it's partly because I miss my friends, but partly because I wanted to get up early in the morning, and, y'know, get some fresh air! Enter class, meet my friends physically, not virtually.
Ugh! And then, my classmates and I went up to 4th Grade. That was when things got REALLY stressful.
Well, that's all. I can't spill out everything about what's going on in one blog post.
Have a nice day!
among us
What template do you use???
Yeah... stressful....