Hello! Sorry I didn't post anything for a month (or more?) but I had school. Not online school. Real school.
Today I finished a small project. I sewed a tiny doll. I have been doing this project for about 2 days. It's a really fun and easy project and I enjoyed it a lot.
I made it out of old clothes and pants. Here's how it looks like.

Sorry if it looks bad. I'm not that good at sewing ; -;
I would definitely recommend for you to do this! It's very fun. In case you don't know how to make the figure, you can buy a sewing set for practice.
Be careful with the needle though. I poked myself many times while making this doll T - T
Anyway, that's all for today's blogpost! I apologize again for not posting.
If you do end up sewing something, here's a weird challenge. Count how many times you poked your self with the needle and type it in the comments 😅
See ya next time in the next blogpost. Hope you guys liked this post!
Misspepperoni :D
well done Misspepperoni! 🍕 here's a pizza slice for your hard work 😄