Today my my mum and I made some Playdoh! It's basically playable dough.
It was super easy to make, too! All we needed was;
A cup of flour
1/2 cup of salt
some water
Food coloring (optional)
The first step was to mix the flour and the salt together in a big bowl. Then, slowly, we add the water while mixing. Don't put all of the water straight away, though!
After a while, you can use your hands to knead the dough. And that's it! You can play with it like this, or you can add some food coloring to it to make a whole variety of Playdoh.
The dough will expire in a week, so to make it last longer, you can put it in a plastic bag and put it in the fridge. It'll last for four weeks.
And that's all! It was really easy, and I had a lot of fun. Keep in mind that things could get real messy!
You can try this recipe if you like. It's the easiest Playdoh recipe ever.
Have a nice day!
P.S. I do not own this recipe. I followed this recipe from Sea Lemon on YouTube. Go check her out! ---->